Vertigo is a complex condition that occurs when the brain and the body’s systems of balance and positioning are disconnected.
Stay sharp this holiday season with 10 useful tips for keeping holiday stress at bay. Learn more by reading the full blog by Neuro Health Calgary below!
Dealing with sciatica pain? Learn about the sciatic nerve, what causes sciatica pain, and tips for sleeping with sciatica pain with Neuro Health in Calgary.
Dealing with the sharp, shooting pain of sciatica can be downright frustrating.
Chronic pain can cause lasting physical discomfort, often also impacting your emotional and mental wellness.
Provide relief for your migraine by simple stress reduction techniques and lifestyle.
You have the power within you to re-establish brain balance and neutralize stress with deep meditation, rhythmic breathing, proper exercise like walking, being in nature, belly laughter, deep delta sleep and of course, proper chiropractic care.
Migraines need to be properly diagnosed by a health care professional. If you ever feel like you are experiencing the worst headache of your life, it may be a medical emergency. Don’t take any chances, contact 9-1-1 immediately. Here are 5 easy ways to help you manage migraine symptoms at home: Turn off your electronics!
The Power that made the body heals the body. You have the innate wisdom to live the life you were designed to live. By letting go of negative thought patterns and destructive energy, you release what holds you back in life.
Chiropractic care helps to restore function by improving range of motion of the affected joints that tend to stiffen in problem areas. The body is comprised of many muscles, tendons, ligaments and nerves, all of which have the potential to cause pain when stressed or damaged.
Your brain sends electrical signals via your spinal cord and nerves to control your muscles, organs and systems and help you adapt to changes in your environment. You should be able to do all of these tests easily with a healthy nervous system.
In one study conducted by phone provider Gazelle, researchers found evidence of addictive behavior. 70% of users check their mobile phones compulsively within minutes of waking up, 51% check them while on vacation, and 44% admit to feeling extremely anxious and irritable if they CAN’T continually check their phones.
Plantar fascia is the layer of tissue that covers the muscles, tendons and ligaments from your heel to the ball of your foot. The plantar fascia can become inflamed and cause pain in your feet. Luckily, plantar fasciitis does not have to become a chronic condition and can be managed with extra care and specific exercises.