Our Services



Acupuncture is a form of traditional Chinese medicine that has been practiced for millennia. The practice involves inserting thin needles into specific points on the body in order to balance energy or "qi," with the aim of restoring natural balance and healing the body. Acupuncture can be used to treat many conditions including chronic pain, anxiety depression insomnia digestive disorders and more - and is considered safe and effective alternative treatment to medication or surgery for many seeking natural solutions for their health concerns. Acupuncture can also be combined with therapies like herbal medicine or physical therapy to maximize effectiveness of therapies such as physical therapy - thus increasing effectiveness as all.

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A patient receiving ARP-Wave treatment

ARP Wave technology is used for pain management and rehabilitation. Featuring a patented electrical waveform that targets the source of discomfort rather than just masking its symptoms, ARP Wave also increases blood flow while decreasing inflammation to speed recovery times and accelerate recovery times. Athletes as well as healthcare professionals alike have applauded ARP Wave's effectiveness at treating various conditions including chronic pain, sports injuries, post-surgery rehabilitation.

YouTube video player: Eric's Testimony - Long Suffering Back Pain
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A woman holding her lower back.

B-Tracks technology used for rehabilitation and physical therapy. Utilizing an innovative robotic system, B-Tracks guides patients through targeted movements and exercises which improve strength, flexibility, and overall physical function. The B-Tracks system is highly adaptable and can be tailored to the unique needs of each patient, making it an invaluable solution for treating various conditions and injuries. B-Tracks' sophisticated sensors and tracking technology deliver precise measurements and feedback, enabling healthcare professionals to track progress accurately. B-Tracks has received praise for its ability to accelerate recovery times and enhance patient rehabilitation outcomes.

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Balance exercises

A woman balancing on an exercise ball.

Balance exercises are physical activities designed to increase stability and coordination. They focus on strengthening muscles involved with maintaining equilibrium - such as those found in legs, core, hips and spine - such as those involved with maintaining equilibrium such as legs, core, hips or performing yoga poses on an unstable surface. Some simple balance exercises include standing on one leg while walking heel-to-toe in a straight line or doing heel-toe walking in an arc, while more complex methods could include doing yoga poses on unstable surfaces or performing yoga postures on an unstable surface. Balance exercises may help prevent falls while improving overall fitness posture body awareness - adding balance exercises into your fitness regimen can make you challenge yourself and improve overall physical health!

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Brain health questionnaires

A person filling out a questionnaire.

Brain health questionnaires are tools used to evaluate cognitive function and overall brain health in an individual. These questionnaires consist of multiple questions designed to assess memory, attention span, language comprehension, problem-solving skills and other areas that comprise brain functioning. By tracking changes over time, healthcare professionals can effectively track progress and adjust treatment plans as necessary. Brain health questionnaires can help healthcare professionals quickly identify any areas of concern that require further assessment or treatment, providing an invaluable tool in diagnosing cognitive deficits in their patients.

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BrainTap technology

A woman listening to headphones.

Coming soon!

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Breathing exercises

A woman striking a meditative post.

Breathing exercises are an effective form of relaxation training that focus on controlling one's breathing patterns. By slowing and deepening one's breath, breathing exercises can help relieve stress, anxiety and tension in the body; improve lung function; lower blood pressure; promote better sleep quality and help the mind clear out clutter - such as diaphragmatic breathing, progressive muscle relaxation and mindfulness meditation are just a few techniques available as breathing exercises to combat stress while improving overall health. Regular practice of these techniques can become a powerful way of improving both physical and mental wellbeing!

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Chiropractic Spine & Extremity Adjustments

A chiropractor's hands working on a patient's neck.

Looking for a chiropractor? Patients regularly consult with us for chiropractic care for conditions such as:

  • headaches,
  • neck pain,
  • shoulder pain,
  • upper back pain,
  • low back pain,
  • sciatica, and
  • disc problems.

Chiropractic involves restoring normal spinal function to allow your body’s nervous system to function as it was intended.

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Cognitive exercises

 A woman sitting on the beach at sunrise.

Cognitive exercises are designed to strengthen brain function, memory and cognitive abilities. Cognitive exercises may be effective at combatting dementia, Alzheimer's disease and other forms of memory loss as well as increasing attention, focus and processing speed for people of all ages. Cognitive exercises work by challenging your mind with mental tasks requiring concentration and active engagement such as puzzles, memory games, brain teasers or any number of mental challenges - regularly practicing them can strengthen neural connections while decreasing risk for cognitive decline.

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Cold Laser Therapy

A smiling woman.

Cold laser therapy is a non-invasive medical treatment using low-level lasers to accelerate healing and relieve pain and inflammation at its source. A low-powered beam of light penetrates skin tissue to stimulate cells that promote healing at injury sites while simultaneously decreasing inflammation levels.

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Core Stability

A man receiving physio therapy.

Core stability exercises are an integral component of physiotherapy services, helping patients improve their posture, balance, and overall physical function. These exercises are tailored to target the trunk muscles that provide support for the spine and help transfer force between upper and lower bodies during movement. Enhancing core stability can lower risk of injury and facilitate daily tasks more easily for patients. Physiotherapy services often incorporate core stability training into rehabilitation programs for conditions such as back pain, post-surgical recovery and sports injuries. Working with a physiotherapist to increase core stability can be an effective way of improving overall health and well-being while helping prevent future injury.

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Custom Orthotics and Footwear

A  foot stepping onto a custom orthotic.

Did you know?

  • Over 80 percent of the population have poor foot biomechanics, many which are difficult to diagnose with the naked eye.
  • Most insurance companies have benefits for custom orthotic therapy.
  • Your don’t need a referral to get this assessment.
  • Custom orthotics need to be checked every two years to offer you the best arch support and biomechanical correction.
  • Poor functioning feet can lead to symptoms such as foot pain, plantar fasciitis, knee pain, hip pain and back pain.

Our GaitScan technology is able to detect problems in your feet and ankles in the early stages, often before symptoms arise.
Orthotics do not need to be rigid or bulky. They are custom designed for each foot and can be worn in a variety of shoes including dress shoes, high heels and running shoes.
Runners may benefit from pre and post gait examinations to learn how a 10-minute run impacts their feet.
Computer GaitScans may be repeated every 6-12 months to monitor changes in how your feet are functioning.
We offer follow up GaitScans every 6-12 months at no charge to patients who would like to monitor how their custom orthotics have corrected their feet..
Your feet support and balance you everyday!

Orthotics therapy for the whole family!
Fashion flex orthotics for high heels.
Slim orthotics for skates and soccer cleats
Improve your golf game by strengthening your foundation!

A picture is worth a thousand words!

Gait Scan appointments are 15 minutes.

Complete a foot health questionnaire for a free GaitScan appointment (no cash value).

Compression Socks

Chiropractic Wellness Clinic also offers a variety of medical compression socks and hosiery.
Insurance benefits may cover the costs with a prescription. Check your plan for coverage details.

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Dietary detoxification

An arrangement of fruits and vegetables

Dietary detoxification is an approach to pain and health management that involves cutting certain foods out of one's diet for an extended period to eliminate toxins, reduce inflammation and enhance overall wellbeing. This can be especially effective at treating chronic conditions, like arthritis and fibromyalgia, as well as health issues such as allergies or digestive issues. Dietary detoxification involves cutting back on common allergens such as gluten, dairy and soy as well as processed foods, sugar and alcohol to allow your body to rest and heal while also decreasing inflammation and strengthening immunity. Dietary detoxification programs should always be managed under the direction of a healthcare professional such as a registered dietitian or functional medicine practitioner to ensure its safe and efficient implementation. When combined with other forms of pain management techniques, detoxification may provide an effective means of relieving chronic discomfort while simultaneously improving overall health and well-being.

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Erchonia Low Level Laser

Erchonia PL-5 Low Level Laser Therapy

A Calculator That Subtracts Pain!

The Erchonia PL-5 laser emits low intensity photonic (light) energy that penetrates deeply into the skin and excites the body’s cells by infusing them with energy.

Photo-Chemical and Photo-Biological Effects of the PL-5 Laser

  • Affects Calcium ion balance
  • Increases action potential of nerve cells
  • Increased capillaries by release of growth factors
  • Increases cell metabolism
  • Oxygen build up which forms ATP (cellular energy)
  • Stimulation of DNA and RNA in the nucleus

What Does This Mean?

  • Broken Down Scar Tissue
  • Enhanced Cellular Regeneration and Energy
  • Improved Range of Motion
  • Increased Blood Flow
  • Reduced Pain, Inflammation and Edema

There are No Adverse Effects for this non-invasive, safe, fast and effective treatment.

Each session only takes 10-15 minutes.

Although healing times vary depending on individual conditions, progress is usually immediately evident.

PL-5 Erchonia Laser Treatments Halve Helped Patients Suffering with:

  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
  • Headaches
  • Heel Pain
  • Inflammation and Edema
  • IT Band and Patello-Femoral Syndromes
  • Lower Back Pain and Sciatica
  • Muscle Weakness
  • Neck and Shoulder Pain
  • Numbness, Tingling and Nerve Pain
  • Peripheral Nerve Problems
  • Plantar Fasciitis
  • Rotator Cuff Injuries
  • Scars and Scar Tissue Release
  • Tennis and Golfer’s Elbow
  • And Much More
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Eye muscle movements and exercises

A woman performing eye muscle exercises.

These exercises may provide invaluable assistance for individuals recovering from brain injuries or experiencing vision-affecting conditions, such as strabismus (crossed eyes) and amblyopia (lazy eye). Eye muscle exercises may include focusing on near and distant objects, tracking moving objects or following specific patterns with your eyes. Other exercises may involve working on convergence where both eyes move in towards each other or divergence where both move outward. Eye muscle exercises should always be performed under the supervision of a certified healthcare provider such as an occupational therapist or optometrist and tailored specifically to each patient's individual needs. By strengthening eye muscle function, individuals can improve visual performance and decrease discomfort, making everyday activities simpler while improving quality of life.

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Frequency Specific Microcurrent

Frequency Specific Microcurrent (FSM) is an electrotherapy technique that utilizes low-level electrical currents to promote healing and alleviate pain, without resorting to surgery or injections. FSM operates under the principle that different frequencies of electrical current affect different tissues of the body in different ways. FSM typically employs electrical currents with much lower current densities than traditional electrotherapy treatments, making it a safer and gentler treatment option. FSM has proven its efficacy for treating various conditions including chronic pain, inflammation and muscle dysfunction. FSM is often employed in a variety of healthcare settings as an additional means of pain management and rehabilitation. It is currently utilized by various practitioners including chiropractors, medical doctors, neurologists, ophthalmologists, dentists and other health care practitioners all over the world. FSM may be combined with other interventions like exercise or manual therapy for an integrated approach to pain relief and rehabilitation.

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Jenny before treatment showing limited range of arm  motion.

A volleyball spiking injury caused Jenny to experience limited and painful right shoulder range of motion. Dr. Nenshi ordered a diagnostic ultrasound which revealed a partial tear of the supraspinatus tendon and impingement. These are before and after pics of Jenny’s first Frequency Specific Microcurrent (FSM) treatment.

Read The Case Study
Jenny after treatment showing greatly improved range of arm  motion.

Jenny graduated from care 4 weeks later with full and pain free range of motion and full strength of all her shoulder muscles. A follow up ultrasound at 6 weeks measured a 30% improvement in the diameter of the tear with no evidence of any impingement.

Learn More About Neuropathy

Healthy Eating & Nutrition

An older couple cooking together.

Have you ever heard of the phrase you are what you eat?
Well that is only partly true!

You’re actually the sum of not only what you eat, but more importantly what you absorb and eliminate with healthy digestive systems.

The digestive system has it’s own nervous system called the enteric system. It controls digestive tract motility and blood flow within the walls of the digestive tract.

Normal digestion requires links from the enteric nervous system and the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord). If these pathways are not functioning well, it can lead to digestive challenges such as intestinal motility disorders, absorption challenges and obstructions to name a few.

Chiropractic and Functional Neurology have supported patients who suffer with:

  • Abdominal and pelvic pain
  • Consitipation
  • Diarrhea
  • Crohns disease
  • Colitis
  • Mal-absorption

Chiropractic Care – Enhances communication between the enteric and central nervous system.

Abdominal / Visceral Chiropractic Adjustments – Alleviate stress on the abdominal organs.

Percussor Therapy – Myofascial release of soft tissues within and around the abdominal region.

Erchonia Low Level Laser Therapy supports scar tissue release and provides energy to enhance function of abdominal organs, soft tissues and neurological structures.

Custom Vitamin & Supplement Consultation – Bring in all your vitamins and supplements for an individualized nutritional assessment of what supplements you really need and how to fuel your body the best way possible. If you don’t have a food log template, don’t worry, we would be happy to provide you with one.

Custom Diet and Nutrition Coaching:

Dr. Nenshi provides customized coaching for healthy eating, anti-inflammatory diets, healthy metabolism and how to improve your energy & vitality. Bring in your food logs for an individualized nutritional assessment. If you don’t have a food log template, we would be happy to provide you with one.

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Heart Rate Variability

A simulated x-ray of the heart

Heart Rate Variability (HRV) measures the variation in time between heartbeats to gauge the balance between sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems, providing insight into cardiovascular health. HRV monitors can be used to analyze HRV to gain an insight into its influence on cardiovascular health.

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Interactive Metronome Therapy

A patient receiving interactive metronome treatment.

Interactive Metronome Therapy (IMT) is a method of therapy which utilizes computerized tools to develop both cognitive and motor abilities. IMT involves synchronizing body movements with specific auditory cues that help improve timing and rhythm. IMT has been used to treat various conditions by improving timing and coordination skills through IMT sessions, individuals may find significant increases in attention span, processing speed and cognitive function overall.

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Motion Guidance

Motion Guidance is a neuromuscular rehabilitation tool using lasers to fine tune movements in the spine and extremities. Ideal when wanting to strengthen or increase core stability of the spine and extremities.

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Multipolar magnets

Multipolar magnet therapy involves using magnets with multiple poles. While traditional magnets only feature two poles - north and south - multipolar magnets can have multiple poles arranged in specific patterns. Multipolar magnet therapy relies on magnetic fields created by multipolar magnets to improve circulation, decrease inflammation and speed healing processes. They are widely used for chronic pain conditions like arthritis or sports-related injuries as well as to promote physical fitness and prevent future injury. Magnet therapy is noninvasive and has minimal side effects, making it a safe and attractive alternative for pain management.

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Neuromuscular Re-Education

Neuromuscular re-education therapy aims to restore control over one's muscles and movements following injury or illness that impairs muscle function, such as stroke or spinal cord injury. Neuromuscular re-education may be useful in helping individuals gain back their independence.

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Neuropathy Treatment Services

A younger person's hands holding an older person's hand.

Neuropathy treatment services provide services focused on diagnosing and treating various forms of neuropathy, which is a condition affecting nerves which may result in pain, numbness, tingling or weakness in different parts of the body. Neuropathy treatment services may include medication, physical therapy, nerve blocks or surgery based on its cause and severity.

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A woman receiving a neurosage massage.

Neurosage therapy enlists various techniques, such as massage, stretching and exercise to assist in improving neurological function while alleviating any associated pain or discomfort in individuals suffering from various neurological conditions. The goal of Neurosage therapy is to improve circulation, relax muscles and promote relaxation which in turn reduce pain while increasing overall health and well-being.

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Physical exercise

A woman working out with weights.

Exercise is an integral component of both physiotherapy and rehabilitation. Physical exercise can help individuals to increase strength, flexibility and range of motion - making everyday activities simpler with reduced pain and discomfort. Exercise also promotes cardiovascular health while decreasing inflammation levels and speeding healing in damaged tissues. With regular exercises administered under guidance from an experienced healthcare professional, individuals can improve their physical function to lead healthier, more active lives.

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Puzzles can be an effective tool in helping to restore cognitive abilities for individuals who have suffered an injury or illness that impacts brain function. Puzzles such as crosswords, sudoku and jigsaw puzzles can help strengthen cognitive skills such as memory, attention, problem-solving and spatial awareness - key skills required for daily tasks such as reading, writing and navigation. Puzzles can also provide a stimulating activity for individuals undergoing rehabilitation, helping reduce stress levels while giving a sense of accomplishment. Puzzles may be used as part of a comprehensive treatment plan, alongside therapies like physical and occupational therapy. With regular practice, puzzles can help individuals improve their cognitive abilities and regain independence in daily life.

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Reading exercises

A main reading on his laptop.

Reading exercises can be an invaluable asset in improving cognitive capabilities and overall wellness. Engaging in reading exercises can strengthen various cognitive areas such as attention, memory, language comprehension and more. These skills are integral for daily tasks, including reading, writing and communication. Reading exercises can also be an engaging activity which promotes relaxation and relieves stress. Rehabilitation specialists may incorporate reading exercises into a comprehensive treatment plan alongside therapies like physical and occupational therapy. Reading exercises can help retrain the brain following stroke or traumatic brain injury to process information more effectively and efficiently. They're also great ways for those looking to boost cognitive abilities and overall wellness - make reading part of your daily routine for better cognitive capabilities and overall wellness!

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Sensory training

Sensory training is an approach to therapy designed to enhance individuals' sensory processing capabilities. Sensory processing refers to how the brain receives, interprets and responds to sensory information such as sight, sound, touch, taste or smell in its environment. Sensory training can be an invaluable way for individuals to better understand and regulate their sensory responses. Sensory training encompasses various activities, such as exposure to various stimuli, sensory integration therapy or relaxation techniques. Sensory training aims to improve an individual's ability to process and respond to sensory information, leading to greater comfort, enhanced cognitive function and overall quality of life.

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Stress questionnaires

A woman holding a pen and clipboard.

Coming soon!

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Therapeutica Custom Orthopedic Pillows

A woman sleeping on a Therapeutica Custom Orthopedic Pillow.

Therapeutica Custom Orthopedic Pillows are pillows specifically designed to support and align your head, neck and spine during sleep. Custom-fitted pillows provide tailored support based on an individual's measurements, offering personalized support that adapts specifically to their body structure and sleeping posture. Therapeutica pillow's innovative design incorporates multiple zones that are specially tailored to cradle the head, support the neck, and ensure proper spinal alignment - providing relief to individuals suffering from neck pain, headaches or other discomforts associated with poor sleeping posture.

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Vestibular rehabilitation and exercises

A woman on an exercise ball for vestibular rehabilitation.

Vestibular rehabilitation is an approach designed to strengthen one's balance and relieve symptoms of dizziness or vertigo. The vestibular system is responsible for maintaining balance and spatial orientation, and when compromised through injury or illness it can result in difficulty with balance, coordination and mobility. Vestibular rehabilitation entails exercises and activities designed to strengthen the brain's capacity to adapt and compensate for its loss of vestibular function. These exercises may include head movements, balance training exercises, gaze stabilization activities and any other specific to an individual's unique requirements.

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Vitamins & Supplements

A woman eating salad.

Vitamins and supplements are often used to support the body's natural healing processes, improve energy levels, and reduce inflammation. Nutritional supplements such as omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin D, and magnesium can help to reduce inflammation in the body, which is a common cause of pain and discomfort. These supplements can be particularly helpful for individuals with chronic pain.

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X-rays, MRI & Ultrasound referrals

A patient filling out a form with their doctor.

X-rays, MRIs, and ultrasounds may be required in order to properly diagnose and treat certain conditions. Imaging tests offer healthcare professionals a detailed view of your body, helping to detect any anomalies or injuries which might not be visible on the outside. X-rays are usually employed to observe bones and joints, while MRI and ultrasound provide more in-depth images of soft tissues like muscles, tendons, and ligaments. Referrals to imaging may be required as part of an overall treatment plan.

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